Monday, April 29, 2013

Leadership Through Coaching

It is the intent of Celebrate World Peace,
and its Mission
To create......

"Peace" from the inside out, through coaching...

and to provide the tools to those individuals who might wish
to impact, and to help others grow, evolve, to become
empowered, and to serve humanity in a way the imparts "peace"

Coaching is just that tool.
With over 30 years experience as a Consultant,
it was in 2008 that I became familiar with
the concept of coaching.  I realized very quickly
that different from consulting or advisory services....

Coaching is the best KEY to personal empowerment,
for the client ... I have ever found.
Its efficient, its effective, its simple and its sustainable.

I've witnessed clients getting MUCH better results through coaching
than with any other immersive tool or workshop content that is
currently available....

and now We, at SianGlobal and Celebrate World Peace
are offering YOU an extraordinary opportunity

To Become A Professional Coach
To Become a Group Leadership Coach

Become A Coach

With over 6,000 Graduates Worldwide,
Coaching is more than a trend, it is the true key to
"Peace.......from the inside out"

Thank you for your support

Please join us
Call for information

Sian Lindemann
in New Mexico

Certified Master Coach
Certified Spiritual Coach
Certified Group Leadership Coach and Trainer
Certified Master Career Coach Trainer

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What People Are Saying

Dear Sian,

I love how your blog describes World Peace as an effort that every individual makes through the choice of respecting, appreciating, and understanding one another.

As a filmmaker, my goal is to make people realize our shared goals of peace through storytelling. My documentary film “9 Pieces of Peace” ( shows an unlikely friendship between a Vietnam veteran and a peace advocate working toward common ground. This is my way of taking baby steps toward making the world a more peaceful place.

Like Celebrate World Peace, I aim is to inspire others to truly listen to one another and understand where another person is coming from, no matter how different their economic, religious, and or political perspectives might be. Loved this blog!

Jan Selby

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Janny Smits Supports Celebrate World Peace

Janny Smits ~ 
Creative Director of 
World Peace is Possible 
Celebrate World Peace

We Asked Our Friends 
to Photograph themselves 
to show support for 
Celebrate World Peace ...
and Janny Smits did just that.

Thank YOU Janny !!!
The Netherlands 


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Bloom into Peace for Peace Day TV

Where we started in 2011

Where we left off ~ Solstice 2012
Broadcasting from 150 Countries 
Around The World
22 Million Viewers 

Together "World Peace is Possible" 
The Sale and Proceeds 
of The Flores Con Brio Collections
for 2013 

Will YOU support Peace
BLOOM into Peace, worldwide 

Sunday, January 6, 2013