Pamela Rice ~ B.Ed, CPC, CGL
Certified Professional Life Coach,
Certified Group Leader,
Author, Speaker, Teacher,
Mentor to successful entrepreneurs.
Working from her island home, Pamela utilizes all that the internet offers to stay in constant contact with clients.
Years of corporate experience has given her insight into the disillusionment that many of us have, knowing that the world is ever changing, and knowing when the time is right to move with those changes.
Clients come from all walks of life. With her 30 years of experience in insurance, real estate, law, education, network marketing, even the funeral industry; - Pamela is particularly attuned to the challenges faced in a variety of circumstances. As a successful seminar speaker, she has shown many entrepreneurs how to focus their lives, their careers, or their businesses so that everything from the office environment to the home environment works in synergy to create growth.
Providing Law Of Attraction support to entrepreneurs who want more abundance and balance in life.
Pamela assists you in identifying and achieving your financial, personal and health and wellness goals. You have probably given thought to navigating towards a personal vision, whether it be your own business, a successful career, or a desire to bring more balance into your life. Utilizing her wealth of experience, and her highly skilled training as a coach, she can assist you to focus your abilities to choose make choices in life using the law of attraction.
Working together with you, identifying and creating a plan of action, and keeping the lines of communication open, Pamela provides assistance and support as you move toward accomplishing your goals.
For Private Coaching
Contact Pamela Rice On Vancouver Island in British Columbia
Phone ~ 778-425-4709
Email ~
A Vision For Peace....By My Hand
By my hand ...
and from my heart... Peace
Pamela Rice
It is clear now.....
secure, stable and comfortable
I am quiet within...and peace is evident.
The music of the spheres
sings my soul
into receiving its beauty.
The natural abundance
intended for me....
intended that I may fill …
and overflow
unto those I am blessed to meet...
Well being is assured
in the ebb and flow...
The circle of my life...
its fruit born unto all
The earth, The sun...
The flora..
The earth's bountiful garden
is ours.
Creation moves ….
and I with it,
touches all....
We bloom...
Caroline Douglas Sculpture ~ Boulder, Colorado
It is an honor and a pleasure to have you on board as our premiere Ambassador for World Peace and with you......we "Celebrate World Peace"
ReplyDeleteNow I know what it feels like to be riding on a rocket -- I wake up each morning grinning, and grateful for the ride of my life. Thank you Sian, for your vision, your courage, your strength to grab me and share the journey with you.
ReplyDeletePamela it is a pleasure to have you on board......YOUR committment from the beginning, now months steadfast and certain....a pleasure to work together.....How do you LIKE your feature page here ?
ReplyDeleteTruly from my heart, and by my hand. The gifts I have been given over the past months have shown me, beyond all I ever knew, that the universe conspires to provide. Making the decision to move forward with you, was the seminal event that brought me to a place in my life I never imagined existed.
ReplyDeleteI was so pleased Pamela for your participation in the "Thrive by Five" ~ and its GREAT to see that you are "in witness" and recognize the goodness that comes to you when one becomes "settled" within ~ I LOVE MY JOB !