Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Debbie Ducic - Friend and Advocate of Celebrate World Peace

What a complement to the Founder Sian Lindemann ~ Sent in a letter to Ellen DeGeneris asking Ellen to support Celebrate World Peace ~
THIS is beautiful !
Thank you Debbie Ducic !

From Debbie Ducic Today ~ Australia, by way of Colorado....

 "I can't think of anything more important in today's world than world peace. Our world as we know it is on the brink and there are many who are working on projects to help create or at least bring awareness to peace. Many of them are having tremendous impact, but never have I heard of a vision for creating world peace that is as unusual, unique and TOTALLY from another realm as the one shared by my friend and colleague, Sian Lindemann.

As I write this, she is recruiting ambassadors of peace who are helping others define their own visions of how they can themselves contribute and recruit others. The point is to gain one million people around the world who will share their own visions (many of them creatives and artists since that is Sian's realm of expertise) with the culmination being a world wide exhibition with amazing technology never before available, let alone affordable to the masses!

It's a VERY exciting initiative and involves the purest of intentions and is not born of fear, but of possibility, creativity and beauty! That is what sets this apart from the any other peace initiative out there today and I am setting the intention that YOU will see the value of this HUGE dream and help us make it a reality!"

Debbie Ducic ~ Artist, Photographer, Art Ability World Participant, Global "sister" 


  1. You are most welcome Sian... I am looking forward to experiencing you getting a call by Ellen on her show telling you about the exciting news! It will be a GRAND day for Celebrate World Peace! :)

  2. This is so eloquently put, that as an editor I think we should save the wording to use in other promotional materials. Many folks will need a clear, nuts-and-bolts explanation of the movement, Debbie, and you have supplied a version of one. I join Sian in thanking you so very much.

    1. Great thinking Lisa........that is exactly why I posted it here ! Eloquent....and sheer perfection.......
      LOVE to you both

    2. may I have permission to copy this into my post about Celebrate World Peace? All credit will be given and if you don't approve after I post it I will take it down right away. I just can't seem to find the words like you have Debbie.
      peace n abundance,

    3. Please credit Debbie Ducic for the "quoted" parts....and yes it is wonderful that you wish to include it in your post. Thank you so much


  3. I agree. I am just now new to Celebrate World Peace and I can't wait for my painting to be finished so that the world can see such a wonderful vision for all life everywhere.
    I'm trying to put together a blog post myself and I'm at a loss of words right now thinking of all the possibilities that are opening up.
    I hope to hear when Ellen calls you too.
    peace n abundance,

  4. It is absolutely awesome to join with Sian Global for Celebrate World Peace and knowing Debbie Ducic personally, I love her power of intention through gratitude and recognition of the awesome work Sian has initiated.
    Peace is a Powerful aptitude that underlines the magnificence of the divine heritage we ALL carry within.
    Thanks Deb for being your amazing self in writing a letter to Ellen DeGeneris that is heart and soul stirring.
    Much Love with PEACEful LIGHT
    Tetka xox

    1. GREAT number of comments here, what eloquent writing Deb has offered here.....I am so grateful

