Sunday, September 23, 2012

Walk The Talk for Peace

Walk The Talk ..... for peace all year long ~
Celebrate World Peace


Celebrate World Peace

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Celebrate World Peace 
make an Impression...
Peace On Earth
is within our reach


Meditation and Inner Peace

From Oneness University
People are Awakening Worldwide

Friday, September 21, 2012

Speak YOUR Peace The SONG is HERE

We asked YOU 
to Speak YOUR Peace... 

 and you did ... 
We heard YOU 

"Beautiful Chorus"
Meet Beautiful Chorus
took your words...
melded them...unto
pure poetry....

Celebrate World Peace
to support project 
The LIVE Broadcast
2012 -2013

Peace Day TV LIVE Broadcast 2012

Then WE 
Celebrate World Peace
MADE it better...

 To support ALL Three Projects...
because WE believe...
and we Walk the TALK
for Cooperation
in the arts, in business, 
and in support 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Artist Tetka Rhu ... The Eye of Creation

The Eye of Creation
Mixed Media

Artist Tetka Rhu

50% of all proceeds 
support Celebrate World Peace
and its projects

SPEAK YOUR PEACE ...... Messages

Submit a short, sweet, peaceful message 
to us in support of Peace  ~ 
Email to

Then Order YOUR message....and
Support ~ The LIVE Broadcast

OR choose from one of our messages...
"Celebrate World Peace"

Peace and Love


Choose A Size


OUR Participants

Kyle King ~ TEXAS

"It is powerful to contemplate that our own rooms using our respective devices of isolation...tablet, laptop, desktop or phone...can speak, or sing, or act, as ONE voice. A symphony of differences melded into one singular beauty moment. What separates can also bring us together in ways our forebears could never have imagined. " ~ Kyle King

Lawrence R Gelber ~ Attorney At Law, New York 

"I Declare World Peace"

Sian Lindemann

Artist and Founder, Celebrate World Peace 
Celebrate World Peace

"Celebrate World Peace"

All Proceeds will Support 
the LIVE Broadcast of PeaceDay.Tv
and Speak Your Peace ~ The Song 

Janny Smits ~ The Netherlands

Janny Smits
Founder and Artistic Director
for World Peace is Possible

"World Peace is Possible"

Toby Cohantz ~ Carlsbad,California

Founder Xeden
Friend to PeaceDay.TV

"Given our free will, I choose love and peace over hatred and war".

Roger Kenton Beaty - US Air Force ~ Atlanta, Georgia

"I believe in peace through strength. Peace is a personal decision across 7 billion people. For those who decide against it we need strength. We can never expect all the 7 billion to agree with us. Many of them will stop at nothing to destroy us. We must remain strong and vigilant in order to deal with that very real threat while we choose peace and help our fellow man. (help them to learn to fish, not give them the fish."

I was in the Strategic Air Command in the late 60s and 70's in our US Air Force. SAC's motto was "Peace is our profession", the implication, of course, was that SAC could and would decisively deal with any threat against the US. The global projection of power by the world's pre-eminent air and space force. The US in unique in history as we have never claimed the territory of any nation that we have defeated. We even helped rebuild Japan and Germany after WWII. They would never have done that for us had we been defeated.

Malcom Charlaw ~ Durham, England "I declare that love and world peace IS my reality and yours "

Roger Anthony ~ USA

 1. "Peace flows from the Headwaters of Love"
 2. "Peace flows downstream from love"

Yours in Love and Peace
Roger Anthony


Founder - Crocodiles International and Crocodiles not Dinosaurs

Founder & Creator of Crocodiles Not Waterlilies, Crocoball & Crocodiles Training Programs.

"As human beings, we are designed to be successful like the wiley old Crocodile who outlived its cousin, the Dinosaur. However, most of us live our lives like the Waterlily, looking pretty, smelling pretty but going nowhere fast ...

"You can learn personal & business mastery from a punching bag. Instead of being one."

phone: 801-636-1777

Ruth Anne Wood ~  "LIVE  Your Peace"

CPC and Ambassador for CWP

Scripting for Success TM
Get your dreams out of the drawer FAST!

76 East State St.
Doylestown, PA 18901
(215) 872-5035

DiAnn Walksinpeaceandlove ~ 
Alburquerque, New Mexico

"Walkin in Peace and Love"

Phyllis Walker ~ Artist ~ Atlanta, Georgia

" Triumph for Peace! Advocate for Peace!"

Founder of Esperanza ~ A Woman's Hope
Founder Hummingbird Studios

Edie Weinstein ~

The Bliss Mistress
Colorfully creative journalist, motivational speaker,
interfaith minister, social worker, coach 
and the author of 
The Bliss Mistress'
Guide To Transforming the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary.

"Peace overflows from a blissfilled heart." 

Its been my experience that when people are happy,
they are able to be an even greater force for good 
in the world. 

Tric Weyerbacher Ortiz 

" One foot in front of the other, the first step is mine. Speaking and singing with one voice in rhythm and rhyme finding peace within myself and share with all throughout time." ~ Tric

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Watch live streaming video from peacedaytv at

Celebrate World Peace is participating
LIVE September 20 - 23, 2012

SianGlobal supports PEACEDAY.TV 


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WALK YOUR TALK  for peace
all year long !

Celebrate World Peace

Proceeds support the 
LIVE Broadcast for

Monday, September 10, 2012

Ambassador Wendy Wolski

Welcome to 0ur most recent Ambassador 

Wendy L Wolski, MS CPC

When you ask most people what they want to do with their life, the answer often is something relating to “I want to help people”. Accountants do that by helping others with money in their life or business. Social workers help clients access resources. Teachers firefighters and physical therapists are obvious routes to helping others.  

There are many avenues to helping others and mine focuses on empowering them. My experiences have focused on facilitating personal growth and values clarification for teens, students and professionals. One common observation throughout my experience is that we rarely stop and celebrate the successes as we are too focused on the next big thing coming down the pike.

The concept of World Peace and this effort to celebrate it resonates with me because it is about choice- making a choice to act respectfully, with appreciation, seeking understanding, placing a high value on individuals, all forms of life, and our environment.  And those are all steps that individuals can take day by day.

When the opportunity to get involved with Celebrate World Peace, I got very excited. As a teen in the 80s, I remember being very afraid of nuclear war- there were movies and even pop songs about it. We had discussion groups in school about it. Through communication and perseverance, we came out of the Cold War. And while it’s true that threats remain, I believe its also true that we are more willing to listen and more eager to understand each other. It seems the idea of taking individual responsibility is finally hitting home.

As a coach, I  have a fascinating vantage point to listen to the common consciousness. Through PopLeadership, my coaching and consulting practice, I focus on Powerful Personal Development for Gen X and Gen Y.  I help individual and group clients create fulfilling futures, consider alternatives, identify creative solutions and leverage strengths to overcome obstacles.  I think its fair to say that coaching clients take responsibility for their choices and ownership of their outcomes. 
Take the phrase, “baby steps””-- it usually means that little by little you’ll reach your goal. But lets consider an actual baby’s steps. For the most part- once babies learn to walk, it’s not long before they start to run, skip, climb and scamper about. Some dance, some become marathoners- and even though that baby didn’t know at the time where those steps might take him, those around who supported and encouraged him knew there was nowhere he couldn’t go!

So the next time you encourage a baby, or consider a ‘baby’ movement like Celebrate World Peace, take a moment to stop and appreciate that journey. Celebrate the accomplishments to date. How far has that baby come, and how far can he go? How far on the road to World Peace we HAVE  come.  We can help and encourage each other in amazing ways by choosing to listen and understand.

Like my favorite Margaret Mead quote: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”  Our vision to involve 1 million people in Celebrate World Peace, is globally speaking, a small group. Baby steps, people, baby steps... I couldn’t be happier with my front row seat!

I look forward to working with you!

Pop Leadership
Powerful Personal Development
for Gen X & Y

 Phone ~ 973.214.1109
"Like" us on Facebook


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Speak YOUR Peace and Beautiful Chorus

WE are ....  writing a Song  !!!
To Celebrate World Peace...

and whether or not you can
sing like a bird,
write like an angel,
Walk like an Egyptian....

Your voice will be heard.....

THREE simple steps...
Here's how

1) Speak Your Peace ~

Write a status update on this page, ONE "SHORT" 
thoughtful message
that YOU
want to share with the world on
The International Day of Peace,
September 21, 2012

For example
"Celebrate World Peace"
"Walk The Talk" for peace
"Sing For Peace"
"I am Peace"
"Love and Peace"
"I Paint For Peace"
"I Dance For Peace"

YOUR special message
Please keep it to ONE sentence or phrase ~ (There is a GREAT reason for brevity)

2) Send me a Message

Then send me an email
with YOUR special message and
with YES in the subject line that I know I may
share YOUR message with the world AND your name,
and where YOU are from.  OK ????

From these messages.....we are going to create a SONG
We are going to discern a global "intent"
and the AMAZING Vocal Group

Beautiful Chorus
Meet Beautiful Chorus ON Facebook

is going to write, produce and sing this song
for PeaceDay.Tv on the weekend of September 20 through 23, 2012
for The International Day of Peace.

3) Share This NOTE
with your friends, Colleagues, Family and Groups

Our first task is to collect, compile, and extract
from YOU
a Global Wish for Peace

Then ~ Stay Tuned
and see how we can "Walk THIS Talk"
forward into the world
and yes, at long last....

Celebrate World Peace
Celebrate World Peace - The GROUP on Facebook

Click here to read All of our messages
You are writing the song.... 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Artist Tetka Rhu

"Art is a Way of Life"....

 Artist Tetka Rhu

Art has become a way of life....
Tetka realized,
and has now understood 
that she is a conduit,
an open channel,
and is able to 
access energies through...
that provide healing and well - being
to those ...
...who interact with her
 and with her art.

The Art of Karate-do 

and the Mysteries of Spiritual Healing 
also opened her awareness

 to the realm of 
Metaphysical Masters.

She embodies a deep understanding 
of living ...

....The Way of the Sacred Spirit.

There was an early event
that was the catalyst 
to her deepened Truth...

...and understanding.

 The loss of a child,
a family friend, 
and a desire to support the family 
in their extreme time of need....
Tetka set an intention
a desire to connect
to the spirit of the departed daughter...
and thus, created an artwork 
that palpably emulated
 love, peace ....

... and harmony...
and offered healing to her friends.

For the family,
the art work and the room
in which it was prominently displayed
then became a place 
of peace

It is from that day, 
and that experience
where Tetka Rhu
now finds her inspiration.....
to consciously create
imbued with a desire to impart healing,
and to encourage her patrons
to receive the bounty of their inner wealth,
through beauty. 

The artist is a living
example of her intentions.

The information and inspirations
she shares
 is not derived from books
but is imparted from 
the collective consciousness of mankind.

Global Harmony
Artist Tetka Rhu, Australia

Contact Information
Skype: tetkarhu